Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Optimize your nervous and endocrine systems

Optimize your nervous and endocrine system by sleeping in total darkness. Aim for 8 hours sleep per night. Remember to get to bed before midnight because every hour is equal to 2 hours after midnight.

Adding health,

Dr Brenden Cochran, N.D.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tap water or Bottled water?

Bottled water is often less clean than tap water.  The FDA regulates bottled water, while the EPA, which has stricter standards regulates tap water. The EPA mandates that local water treatment plants provide city residents with a detailed account of tap water’s source and the results of any testing, including contaminant level violations. Bottled water companies are under no such directives. Local water treatment plants are required to test for harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites several times a day, while bottled water companies are required to test for these only once a week.
According to bottled water tests 1 in 5 brands tested positive for synthetic chemicals from the manufacturing of the plastic.  In addition, bottled water companies are not required to test for a parasite that is chlorine-resistant and causes violent diarrhea, and possible death due to dehydration.  See this article for more details about bottled water.....http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Health/story?id=728070&page=1

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Do you know how much sugar the average american consumes?

It is estimated that the average american consumes 141 lbs of sugar a year.  WOW!  This is one of the reasons obesity, heart attacks and diabetes prevalence is so high.  Removing sugar can be a challenge as your brain chemistry starts to get used to and craves sugar.  It can take about 2 weeks of avoiding lots of sugar to break this habit.  Quick tips to cut your sugar intake is to put away the sodas and juice.  Drink water and add a lemon if you need flavor.  Eat whole grain breads, and if you need to a sugary snake eat fruit, use some honey or maple syrup.

Adding health,
Dr. Brenden Cochran, N.D.